Ayurveda & Sexology

Ayurveda & Sexology

"Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam Aturasya Roga Nivaranam"

- To rejuvenate and preserve the health of the healthy and alleviate the disease of the sick.

Sexology Treatment in Pune

Ayurveda & Sexology

The name Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words, Ayur meaning life and longevity, and Veda meaning knowledge of science. In other words Ayurveda means the "the Science of Life" that teaches us to live life in a true and natural balance. It is the traditional natural healing system of India, being practiced here for over 6000 years.

Ayurveda has recognized the extreme importance of sex in Human Life. Ayurveda regards that, sex is extremely necessary for Happy, Healthy, Mental and physical life.

Eight Branches of Ayurveda:

Ayurveda is categorized into eight different branches and collectively it is known as Ashtang Ayurveda. Ashtang means eight parts or limbs. The basic mode of treatment of all these is the same.

"Kaaya baala graha urdhvaanga shalya damshtra jara vrshan Ashtau angaani tasyaahuh chikitsa yeshu samsthitaah-Ashtanga hrdayam

The Eight Branches of Ayurveda are Explained Below:

  • 1. Kaaya Chikitsa (Internal medicine)
  • 2. Baala Chikitsa (Pediatrics treatment)
  • 3. Graha Chikitsa or Bhoot Vidya (Psychiatry)
  • 4. Urdhyaanga Chikitsa (Treatment of eyes, nose, throat, head related diseases)
  • 5. Shalyaroga Chikitsa (Surgery)
  • 6. Damstra Chikitsa - Agad Tantra (Toxicology)
  • 7. Jara Chikitsa - Rasayana (Geriatrics)
  • 8. Vrishya Chikitsa or Vajjikarana (Aphrodisiac therapy)

Hence out of its Eightfold parts, Ayurveda has devoted one full, descriptive chapter on sexology, Le. Vajikarana. The wordVajikarana is derived from a combination of two Sanskrit words. Vaji + karana = Vajikarana. "Vaji in Sanskrit means Horse. "karana' means 'to do' or 'to make'.

Hence Vajikarana means to make oneself strong like a Horse in Sex Life. The animal Horse is supposed to be the most powerful in sex. Hence the symbol of a Horse is chosen in "Ayurvedic Sexology".

Definition of Vajikarana :- The Ayurvedic physician Charaka has defined Vajikarana as 'Yena Narishu Samarthyam Vajivat labhate Naraha

I Vrajet cha abhyadhikam yena Vajikarana ev tat II (Charak Samhita Chikitsasthana)

It means that Vajikarana (Sexology) is the one which makes a man strong like a Horse (Vaji) and like a steel in sex Act. Another Ayurvedic expert Vagbhata defined Vajikarana as,

Vajikarana is that by which one becomes strong like a Horse (Vaji) and enjoys sex without any fatigue and becomes strong and most lovable to women. Vajikarana gives strength.

Vajikarana Chikitsa is that branch of ashtang ayurved, which deals with all types of physical, and psychological sexual problems like impotence, libido, poor erection and early ejaculation in males and sterility, frigidity in females.

Charaka, in his great Ayurvedic classic writing Charaka Samhita, states the use of aphrodisiacs as mentioned in ayurvedit therapies enhance one's potency.

Ayurvedic anatomy and physiology are based on three factors - dosh (basic body constituents), dhatu (body tissues) and mala (body wastes.) Ayurved believes that dhatu give structure to the body and they are the ones who function for the body under the governance of the dosha.

In all, there are seven dhatu: rasa, rakta, mansa, med, asthi, majja and shukra. From rasa (life sap) the body develops rakta (blood), from rakta it develops mansa (muscles), from mansa is developed med (fat), from med is developed asthi (bones), from asthi the body develops majja (nervous system) and from majja is generated shukra (reproductive elements in the body).

Shukra is honored as the supreme body tissue, end product of body metabolism. Therefore, for sexual satisfaction, for strength- expressing performance and for better progeny, the shukra dhatu should be in good state, and for this, the dhatu chain should persistently function well. This is where Vajikaran drugs (aphrodisiacs) come into play. They help in giving strength and vigor to the shukra dhatu and in the long run to the body.

Because semen is the visible end product of the functioning of the chain of dhatu, practitioners of ayurveda started believing that semen is very valuable and that it should not be wasted only for the sake of pleasure. The sole purpose of shukra should be to produce healthy progeny, which is the base of tomorrow's healthy society. If you are looking for Best Sexologist in India? Then Contact us.

This was believed by society and generations after generations said that if the whole of society followed these guidelines strictly

Believed by society and generations after generations said that if the whole of society followed these guidelines strictly then it would produce tejaswi (bright and brilliant) and ojaswi (those who have a stronger vital force supporting their life) progeny. A general understanding was to have sex for a better society and not for pleasure and hence, Vajikaran drugs gained an important place in society.

Ayurveda strongly believed that a weak shukra dhatu was the culprit behind all male and female sexual problems. Vajikaran tantra (technique) claims that it has tips for normal, healthy and mature shukra dhatu, which is ultimately essential for satisfying and productive sex.

The shukra dhatu has a direct link with ojas or the immunity of the body. Hence, Vajikaran prescribed the therapeutic use of various aphrodisiacs and tonic preparations for enhancing the vigor and reproductive capabilities of men that also strengthens other body tissues (dhatus) like muscles, fats, bones and blood. Vajikarana is mainly concerned with therapies concerning specific remedies for male infertility and impotence as well as female infertility.

Apart from being good aphrodisiacs, these induce and immediate sense of pleasurable excitement, along with increased fertile seminal secretions, even in an ageing person. Contact us as we have Find the Best Sexologist in India in dealing with Sexual Problems.

Vajikaran Chikitsa branch of Ashtang Ayurved states the reason for sexual inefficiency and directs the use of several aphrodisiac herbs and minerals to enhance the vitality.

therapy, which renders a person potent enough to produce a healthy offspring provides instantaneous sexual arousal to the extent that one can perform uninterrupted sexual act; nourishes the tissues so that even in old age semen is not diminished; brings about happiness, longevity, beauty, strength, and nourishment is known as Vajikarana. The drugs used for the promotion of sexual health and for treating the male. Get Ayurvedic Treatments for all your sexual problems by our Best Sexologist in India.

Sexual disorders have been classified in different groups:

  • Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac)

    The drug which provide sexual satisfaction and vajikarana.
    e.g. kapikacchu.

  • Shukra janana (Spermatogenetic)
    The drugs, which enhance production of sperm, are shukra janana.
    e.g. Mudgaparni, Mashaparni, Shatavari, Aswagandha, Musali
  • Shukra pravartaka

    The drugs, which enhance the production as well as flow/ejaculation of semen are shukra pravartaka.
    Eg milk, masha (black gram) amalaki.

  • Shukra rechana

    The drugs, which cause evacuation of semen (shukra) are shukra rechana.
    e.g. Fruits of Brihati and Kantakari.

  • Shukra Stambhaka
    The drugs, which promote the retention power of a male partner during the sexual act.
    e.g. Jathiphala, Akarkara.
  • Shukra Shoshak

    The drugs, which dry up the semen. e.g. Haritaki and Kalinga.

  • Shukra shodhana (Semen Purifier)

    Purifiers of semen are Shukra - Shodhana
    e.g. Kushtha, Elavaluka, Katphala, Samudraphena, gum of kadamba, Ikshu, Kandekshu, Kokilaksha and Ushira.

  • Some preparations of Vajikaranan

    1. Virya shodhana vati

    2.Makardwaj vati

    3.Sidha makardhwaj vati

    4.Kamachudamani ras,

    5.Vasant kusumakar ras

    6.Aswagandhadi churana

    7.Kauncha pak

    8. Mushali pak

    9.Dhatupaushtik Churan

    10.Pushap Dhanva Ras

    11.Shri Gopal Tail

    12.Ashwa Gandhadi Tail


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